From time to time, members of Inner Quest Lodge present original papers of Masonic Research and Education on various topics.
These documents are individually copyrighted and remain the intellectual property of their respective authors. Permission is granted for non-commercial use for the purpose of Masonic Education and individual enlightenment.
- What Does Masonry Mean to Me – M. W. Anthony Borum
- The Entered Apprentice Trestle Board – R.W. Bryan Minich
- What is Freemasonry – W.B. Rodrigo Guzman
- The Noblest Instrument – W.B. Steve Humes
- A Tale of the 5 Ws – W.B. Cliff Hill
- Of Masons and Men – W.B. Cliff Hill
- Smoke and Mirrors – W.B. Cliff Hill
- A Point Within a Circle – W.B. Steve Humes
- Good Vibrations: An Esoteric Journey to Healing – W.B. Cliff Hill
- The First as Well as the Last Great Care of Masons – An original paper presented to the Midwest Conference of Grand Masters. W.B. Steve Humes
- Ideas for Masonic Education – W.B. Brian Kremer
- Trivium et Quadrivium – W.B. Bruce Cottingham
- More Light – W.B. Barry Albin
- And Finally to our Salvation – W.B. Barry Albin
- Out of the Cave – An original paper presented to Inner Quest Lodge. W.B. Steve Humes
- The Quest for More Light – An original paper presented to Inner Quest Lodge addressing a specific accusation against Masonry. W.B. Brian Kremer
- The 4th Degree: An Examination of Duty – An original paper submitted for College of the Consistory. R.W. Michael Kupsch
- The Master Mason – Examination of the duties and responsibilities of the Sublime Degree. R.W. Michael Kupsch
- The Resurrection and the Raising of Grand Master Hiram Abiff – A thought-proving and well written short paper that makes some logical comparisons that you may have never before considered. W.B. Barry Albin
- National Treasure – A look at the Masonic symbolism in the movie. W.B. Barry Albin
- As Above So Below – A Masonic and spiritualistic analysis of magic and mysticism. W.B. Barry Albin
- Judaism and Freemasonry – A look into the precepts of both Ancient Arts, and how they fit together. W.B. Barry Albin
- Rhetoric and the Masonic Oligarchy – Thoughts on the 7th Liberal Art — Rhetoric. W.B. Barry Albin
- The 3 Degrees of the Question – One explanation for the origin of this phrase, and a meaning that might surprise you! W.B. Richard Carver
- To Learn – Winner of the 2009 UGLE Lodge 9659 World Short Paper Competition W.B. Richard Carver
- Off or From – One explanation for the origin of this phrase, and a connection you may not have considered. W.B. Richard Carver
- A Letter to a Friend – Have you ever had a well-meaning friend tell you all about the “evils of Freemasonry” in an attempt to save you from it? W.B. Richard Carver
- Masonic Conspiracies – A collection of goofy conspiracy theories, and a new one that takes it to its illogical extreme. Satire, silliness, and just for fun. W.B. Richard Carver
- Masonic Rods – A technical comparison of the Deacon’s and Steward’s rods, their origins, and how they are used in various jurisdictions. W.B. Richard Carver
- A Spring of Acacia – A technical look into Acacia wood, where found and how it was used. W.B. Richard Carver
- The Light of Wisdom – W.B. Richard Carver
- Bricks and Stones – Why did masons use stones rather than bricks in the construction of cathedrals? W.B. Richard Carver
- The Globe of Jachin – Why are the stars on the globe a mirror image of the night sky? W.B. Richard Carver
- Ancient, Free, or Accepted – What is the difference between AF & AM and F & AM? W.B. Richard Carver
- Cowans and Evesdroppsers – What is the difference between a cowan and an evesdropper? W.B. Richard Carver
- Masonic Rods – Thoughts on the origin and usage of rods in Masonry. W.B. Richard Carver